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Can You Write Better Shopify Product Descriptions by Rewording?

Product description needs to be catchy, interesting, and information-rich. This is because to easily pursue or convince the readers. For writing a better Shopify product description, copywriters use many techniques. And “Re-wording” is one of the outstanding among them.

Rewording refers to expressing the same content or information with different words and phrases. Remember, it does nothing with the primary or original vision. There are several uses for this method, including;

  • Repurposing the content in a fresh or novel form.
  • Embedding simple language in place of complex one into the writing.
  • An improved justification for anything.
  • Adding some compelling touch.

Let’s discuss what better you can do for Shopify product descriptions with the rewording technique.

What is the Product Description: Its Main Parts?


A product description refers to the marketing content that is to explore all the benefits of your products. In other words, it puts the details about the products together in one place. Followings are the main components of a product description.

  • Product Headline.
  • Introduction to Product.
  • Useful Features.
  • Benefits of the utilization of that product.
  • Call to action also called CTA.

How Re-wording is Done?

There are two methods of re-wording a writing or content piece. The first is the Manual Process and the second is Rewording tools.

  1. Manual Rewording: It involves human efforts to make the content into a new form. In manual rewording, you will have to think of new words (that is metonyms) and swap original words with them.
  2. Rewording Generator: It is an online tool that automatically rewords the actual writing. A rewording generator doesn’t require any human effort but works like a human.

A generator makes use of ML technology (machine learning). ML technology enables the tool to automatically handle all the changes of the rewording technique. Moreover, it always comes with accurate and reliable results with unchanged actual meaning.

Using the rewording generator is preferred over manual rewording since it doesn’t need any expertise, extra time and endeavors. Let’s take an example to understand rewording generators better;

For Example:

We dropped a content piece into a rewording generator. Rewording Tool automatically reworded our pasted content into a new form.

Below is the demo;


How Rewording Can Write Better Shopify Product Description?

1. Captivating Product Headlines

A product headline is a small piece of text or a single sentence that is used at the top of product descriptions. This line should be concise, filled with keywords, and captivating words that evoke the interest of readers.


How Rewording Technique Can Make it Better?

In the case, when your product’s description doesn’t have a captivating and up-to-the-level product headline. You can make it better with the help of rewording. For this, you just have to use some captivating words instead of original words.

For Example:

We have a product topic/heading boring;

“Regular Coffee Maker”

Let’s make it captivating as;

“Brew Magic at Home: The Ultimate Coffee Experience with Our Maker”.

2. Imparting Plain Language In Description

A Product description should be equipped with plain language. This will make it easily digestible for every sort of reader i.e. from mediocre to extremely intelligent.

On the contrary, if you come up with descriptions that have clinches, jargon and challenging terminology. It will definitely make the readers exit and go without any decision.


How Rewording Helps in Making Plain Language?

With the re-wording technique, you can use some plain simplified language to make it easily accessible for every type of reader. For this, you will have to identify the complicated words and phrases and reword them into simple diction (using plain wording).

For Example:

We have some text with Jargon wording;

“Our project necessitates an extensive SWOT analysis for determining strategic targets.”

It was simplified with rewording as;

“We must have to examine our endeavor from all angles in order to find out what’s most essential.”

Similarly, you can reword the product descriptions into lucid expressions.

3. Making Description SEO-Friendly

To make your product descriptions ranked and reach the higher digits of readers at Shopify. It is beneficial to make them SEO-optimized. To make the descriptions SEO-friendly you should naturally integrate or insert main keywords as well as LSI keywords.


How does Rewording help Improve SEO?

Using the rewording technique, you can naturally use the keywords that will match with context.

  • With rewording you can make the product description overall optimized for the search engines.
  • It allows you to naturally embed all the keywords in the description.
  • You can adjust the repetition of the frequency of keywords by deploying rewording techniques.

For Example:

We created the following product description;

Original Description:

Our company is going to come up with a novel technology-based addition of Mobile Phone. This mobile phone will be built to meet all of your communication requirements. Our developed mobile phone will offer every user dynamic features as well as versatility.

Additionally, our Mobile Phone will make you always easily stay connected with your relatives and loved ones. No matter where you are located. This mobile phone will cover all your needs (including text messages, phone calls, as well as searching for something on the Internet).

Additionally, our mobile phone is a fashionable companion because of its elegant design and vivid display.

In the above description, you can see the keyword “Mobile Phone”, has been stuffed over seven times. Let’s make it optimized with the Rewording process;

Reworded description:

Our company is going to come up with a novel technology-based addition of Mobile Phone. This phone device will be built to meet all of your communication requirements. Our developed smartphone will offer every user dynamic features as well as versatility.

Additionally, our device will make you always easily stay connected with your relatives and loved ones. No matter where you are located. This cellphone will cover all your needs (including text messages, phone calls, as well as searching for something on the Internet).

Additionally, our phone device is a fashionable companion because of its elegant design and vivid display.’

4. Creating an Exciting Description for Readers

As we know the main objective for creating a product description on Shopify is to pursue the readers. For this, it is helpful to make it interesting, and rich with persuasive words, as well as action words.

How Re-wording is Helpful For this?

With rewording technique, you can make the following action on a description. This will ultimately make Shopify product descriptions exciting for an audience;

  • With the utilization of rewording, you can power words in the description.
  • You can alter simple or conversational words and phrases into persuasive ones.
  • You can embed action-oriented words to urge readers to the next step.

For Example:

Original Description:

Dear, we have introduced a new version of gaming laptops for every gaming enthusiast. Our device does not function just like an ordinary or common type of computer but it has come up to give a novel level of gaming experience.

With our gaming machine, gamers can dive into epic battles, win virtual realms, and open an immersive world. We have built them not just for gaming but to make the users come enter a world of excitement and adventure”.

Now, turn this description riched with persuasive words with the help of rewording.

Reworded version:

We are here to turn your gaming passion into a gaming field with our gaming laptop. By getting our introduced useful device in hand, you will get great as well as a new level of gaming experience that you may never had before.

It will act like an efficient partner to make you win virtual realms/land, delve into epic wars, as well and scout an immersive world. Moreover, our device will make you harness it like a secret weapon. It will enable you to play games like an adventure”.


With the rewording technique, you can write better Shopify product descriptions. It allows you to naturally insert words and phrases that are engaging, compelling, persuasive, etc.

The above sections of the post delved into the different ways through which rewording can make you write better Shopify product descriptions.

Moreover, we briefly explained the rewording method by an online tool. This method is easier to harness as well as time-conserving.

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