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Essential Tips for Protecting Your Cloud Data

Whether you own a business or are an ordinary working person, you need to keep your data secure. People use their computers to store pictures, videos, and other sensitive information today. It’s not hard to see why when you consider how easy it is to lose physical data. Misplacing a photograph can mean you never see it again, for example. If you want to keep your data secure, your computer is an obvious place. However, it’s not 100% secure there unless you store it on a cloud server. This post will explore this topic in more detail, offering some essential tips for protecting your data and using the cloud.


Image Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/low-angle-photo-of-city-high-rise-buildings-during-daytime-PhYq704ffdA

Finding a Reliable Provider

The very first thing you need to do if you want to protect your data is to find a reliable cloud provider. A cloud provider will loan you a server. You can then use this server to store your data. The good thing about cloud servers is that they are permanent. Even if you default on your payment plan and lose access to your account, you will be able to reactivate it in the future and see all of your photos, videos, and files. On the topic of cost, conduct extensive online research and find the most affordable provider you can. The better a provider’s repayment plans are, the less likely you’ll be to miss payments. Also, ensure the cloud service you work with offers a CASB solution program. A good way to determine a cloud provider’s suitability is to read their reviews. If a cloud service provider has good reviews, the chances are that their clients enjoy working with them. If a business’s clients enjoy working with them, that demonstrates that their service is quality and unlike any other.

Performing Routine Backups

Once you have found a provider whose services you are happy with, you need to start performing routine backups. If you do not back data up, issues with your cloud server could lead to everything you’ve got stored in your account being lost. Your main priority as somebody who’s using a cloud account should be protecting data integrity. Failure to perform backups could lead to all of the information you are paying to store being lost. In addition to backing your cloud account up, make sure that you get into the habit of backing other devices and accounts as well. Backups on your cloud account should be simple. Most cloud providers automatically perform backups. If the cloud provider you are using does not, then you can always ask them to. If they still won’t, perform backups yourself.

Practice Password Hygiene

You need to get into the habit of password hygiene. If the concept is one you are unfamiliar with, it is essentially when you take passwords very seriously. Instead of using your name or memorable dates as passwords, you use ones that are more complex to crack. The more complex your passwords are to crack, the lower your chances of getting hacked are. Most mobile phones automatically give device owners the opportunity to set strings of code as their passwords. Setting codes as your password is one of the best ways to prevent criminals from being able to compromise your devices. Make sure that you write codes down, though. It’s very easy to forget them.


Image Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/person-using-black-laptop-computer-DYu0ZQ4j6c0

Protect Your Device

In addition to password hygiene, you need to take steps to protect the devices you are using to access your cloud account. If criminals are able to compromise your devices, they could easily access your cloud accounts, even if you have protections in place to prevent unauthorized access. The best way to protect your device is to download antivirus software. Antivirus software will prevent your device from becoming infected with Trojan horses or malware. It’ll also block ransomware. Ransomware is a type of virus that takes your devices hostage. You have to pay to get them released. Make sure to perform regular scans on your device so that you can make sure nobody has targeted you. Also scan your emails before you open them, as it’s possible for people to hack you by including viruses in emails, so when you open them, you automatically download whatever’s inside of them.

Limit Data Access

If you run a business, a good way to protect your cloud account is to limit employee access to it. Did you know that most data leaks come from within companies? If you want to protect your business’s data, limiting the amount of access employees have to it is the best policy to adopt. Make sure that the employees given access to data can be trusted. Take time to perform background checks and verify that they have never committed any fraud-related crimes before. In addition to performing background checks, it is a good idea for you to monitor employee computer use. You can do this by setting up a program that records keystrokes on company computers. If you are going to start recording keystrokes, to make sure that you tell your employees. This is so that they do not lose their work devices for personal reasons. If you’re recording keystrokes and they are using their work computers for casual emails, you will be able to see everything they are typing.

Two-Factor Authentication

Finally, set two-factor authentication up on work computers. Two-factor authentication will mean that anytime anyone tries to log into one of your devices, you will receive a text message notifying you and offering a code. The only way a login can proceed is if the code that’s sent to you is entered on the device requesting it. Two-factor authentication isn’t just a good way for you to secure devices and accounts, it’s also a great way to find out if anyone is trying to get into them. The minute a login attempt is made, you will be notified. Make sure you set additional recovery steps up when enabling two-factor authentication just in case you ever lose access to the phone number or email address you use, otherwise, you won’t be able to get into your accounts.

Data security is something you need to take very seriously. Allowing files to go unsecured could lead to you becoming the victim of fraud or theft. You can use the guidance given here to protect your cloud accounts, ensuring the data that’s stored within them is never compromised.

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