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 How to write better Shopify descriptions using AI paraphrasing tools

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that is used to start and manage online stores. Just as WordPress is a CMS that allows people to start and run blogs and websites, Shopify is more or less the same thing for online stores.

When running a Shopify store, you have to write product descriptions whenever you want to add a new item to your product listing. These descriptions have to be written while following a host of different rules and regulations. They have to be readable, concise, grammatically correct, SEO-optimized, and so on.

To make the descriptions meet all these different requirements, copywriters can get help from various online writing tools. One such tool that can be highly useful for writing effective Shopify descriptions is paraphrasing tools.

What are paraphrasing tools?

In this post, we’re going to talk about how paraphrasing tools can be used to write better Shopify descriptions. But before we get to that, we’re going to talk about what paraphrasing tools actually are.

Paraphrasing tools are online software that are made to paraphrase/rephrase the content they’re given. They change the wording and look of the content but maintain the actual meaning and context.

Due to this functionality, there are a lot of ways in which paraphrasing tools can be used during the content writing process. They have a lot of benefits for content writers, even in a learning capacity.

And moving on in this post, we will look at how they can be used when writing product descriptions for a Shopify store.

How can you use paraphrasing tools to write better product descriptions for Shopify?

You can use paraphrasing tools to make descriptions less wordy

While throwing in a fancy word every now and then in a product description is part of copywriting, you don’t have to go overboard with them.

Too wordy descriptions can fail to deliver the right impact on the readers, and they can make the whole thing look like something of a comedic bit.

Consider the example of the following product description about a keyboard: Enjoy the silky depressions of this mechanical keyboard as it carries you to utter typing bliss.

It doesn’t work. It looks silly.

A lot of times, copywriters (especially rookies) can do this sort of thing compulsively without realizing a better alternative.

In this sort of situation, using a paraphrasing tool can be a good fix.

To give you an example, we will use the same sentence we wrote above and run it through paraphrasing tool by Prepostseo. This is a popular paraphrasing tool that you can find online and we’re using it because it has a very smart AI-based functionality;

The output given by the tool is:

Enjoy the silky fingerprints of this mechanical keyboard that will transport you to absolute typing pleasure.

It looks a lot better, in our opinion. The word “depressions” doesn’t make as much sense as the word “indentations” when we’re talking about keyboards. Plus, the “type all the way” phrase is a much better replacement than what we had originally added.

So, just as we changed this one small sentence into a better version of itself, you can change whole descriptions and make them less wordy.

You can use paraphrasing tools to make your descriptions flow better

This is something other than what we’ve discussed above.

While wordiness is one thing that can spoil the quality of your product descriptions, there are other problems that can arise in there as well. For example, while a product description may not be wordy, it may not contain the right words and pronouns, etc., to make it flow nicely.

Consider the example of the following sentence:

Our keyboards that are mechanical can be a solution that is nice for hands that are weary.

It’s not exactly wordy, but it is an atrocity all the same. Wordiness is when unnecessary words are added to the text. In the sentence above, no word is technically unnecessary despite the fact that it can be phrased a lot better.

Paraphrasing tools can be a good fix for this problem as well. Here, take a look below. This time, we’re using the paraphrasing tool by Editpad.

The output provided by the tool is a lot simpler and straightforward.

If you want to write product descriptions, but they keep on coming out clunky, you can take the help of online paraphrasing tools.

You can use paraphrasing tools to make your descriptions unique

A problem that can arise with every other writer when creating almost every other type of content is accidental plagiarism. Since there is a lot of content in a lot of different forms on a lot of different sources available on the Internet, it is very easy to write something that coincidentally matches already available material.

This is something that paraphrasing tools can help you out with.

Once you write your product description, you can check it for plagiarism using an online plagiarism checker. If there is any plagiarism present in the description, you can paraphrase it. Once the paraphrasing is done, the exact replication will be removed, and the description will become “unique” again.


Paraphrases are online tools – and while we have talked about some of the things that you can do with them when writing descriptions – you can explore them yourself even in more detail.

You can find out the different ones available on the Internet and see what features they provide. After that, you can use them during the description writing process in whichever way proves to be helpful and beneficial for you.

Of course, there are rules and regulations to keep in mind for this. For example, you shouldn’t use these tools to just take someone’s existing descriptions, reword them and use them as your own. Rather, you should use these tools to augment your own writing process and to improve your own descriptions.

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