Home » Blogs » Implementing Parallax Scrolling in Your Shopify Store

Implementing Shopify parallax scrolling in Your Shopify Store

The visual appeal and user experience of your Shopify store can be greatly improved by using the shopify parallax scrolling effect. This tutorial will provide you with an organized method to use JavaScript to add parallax scrolling to your Shopify theme.

1. Functionalities Overview shopify parallax scrolling

To add the parallax scroll effect in Shopify, you will need to change or add this functionality to your theme code.Add a parallax library and use custom CSS and JavaScript to get the effect. In your theme’s CSS file, define parallax properties for the elements you want. Then, in your theme’s JavaScript file, trigger the parallax effect by selecting elements and using the relevant functions from the library or your custom code.

2. Implement shopify parallax scrolling

Here’s a breakdown of how it works and their Configure & Setup:

Step 1: Adding jQuery Library

First we need to add the jQuery library (If already have then not needed to include)

  • Navigate to Online Store > Themes.
  • Click on Actions > Edit code > Layout > theme.liquid.

Add the jQuery library in thesection if it’s not already included.


Step 2: Creating the shopify parallax scrolling Section

  • After that we need create a section for parallax section in which we will create a scope for uploading images and thor headings
  • First you need to create a section name (parallax.liquid) as shown in the image below:
  • After that you need to put your custom html as container with proper styling,
  • Then we need to assign the javascript code in which is going to manage the UX things as necessary for UX which is for styling animation for that effect
  • After creating this particular parallax section we need to just put the images and the data as container heading and speed.

Step 3: Implementing JavaScript for shopify parallax scrolling Effect

  • Assigning shopify schema for creating a third party scope for the data entries for this effect also we have created a scope for setting the speed of that particular effect.
  • Also we have added the development for enhancing your website as a parallax effect.

3. Final Output


Conclusion shopify parallax scrolling

Using the above steps, you will be able to efficiently apply the parallax scrolling effect to your Shopify store. This will enhance the user experience with dynamic and catchy front elements on the storefront.

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