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JavaScript coding standard for Magento Module Development

April 07, 2021 | 8 min read

1. QuickRead

Everyone has their own style of writing code and there’s always a debate which one’s is the correct one or which one’s makes the most sense. For that reason, rules are brought that need to be followed that define code standards and enhance source code readability.
Use Magento’s ESLint Rules to make sure your code adheres to Magento’s coding standards.
Developers writing JavaScript and jQuery code for Magento must adhere to these guidelines and follow the standards listed in this document.
Use RFC 2119 to interpret the “must,” “must not,” “required,” “shall,” “shall not,” “should,” “should not,” “recommended,” “may,” and “optional” keywords.
Magento uses the jQuery library including standard and custom jQuery widgets. For the jQuery widget coding standard, see jQuery widget coding standard.

2. Eslint and JSCS tools

Use ESLint and JSCS to ensure the quality of your JavaScript code.
Use Magento’s ESLint Rules to make sure your code adheres to Magento’s coding standards.
Developers writing JavaScript and jQuery code for Magento must adhere to these guidelines and follow the standards listed in this document.
Use RFC 2119 to interpret the “must,” “must not,” “required,” “shall,” “shall not,” “should,” “should not,” “recommended,” “may,” and “optional” keywords.
Magento uses the jQuery library including standard and custom jQuery widgets. For the jQuery widget coding standard, see jQuery widget coding standard.

3. Additional formatting standards

Anonymous function calls

When you declare an anonymous function as an argument in a function call, indent the body of the function by four spaces from the left edge of the statement or function keyword to increase readability.

myObject.myFunction(param1, function (a,b) {
//Function logic
return a > b;

End of file

The last line in a file must end with a single linefeed(LF) character(i.e. an empty line).
This reduces the quantity of the changed lines in a diff and makes code safer in file concatenation processes.


Indentation in Magento code uses four spaces.
Tabs are not allowed as indentation.

Wrapped lines

Indent wrapped lines two spaces or left-aligned to the expression above.

Max line length

The recommended max line length is 80 characters.
Source code lines must not exceed 120 characters.
Comment lines that contain an example command or a literal URL longer than 120 characters may exceed the 120 character limit for ease of cutting and pasting.
Do not be concerned about header guards that exceed 120 characters.

Line termination

Line termination follows the UNIX text file convention.
Lines must end with a single linefeed(LF) character represented as ordinal 10 or hexadecimal (0x0A).
Do not use carriage the Mac OS convention of carriage returns(CR or 0x0D) or the carriage return-linefeed combination(CRLF or 0x0D and 0x0A) standard for Windows OS.

Multi-line string literals

Use string concatenation for multi-line string literals:
var myString = ‘JavaScript was originally developed in Netscape, by Brendan Eich. ‘ +
‘Battling with Microsoft over the Internet, Netscape considered their client-server solution ‘ +
‘as a distributed OS, running a portable version of Sun Microsystem’s Java. ‘ +
‘Because Java was a competitor of C++ and aimed at professional programmers, ‘ +
‘Netscape also wanted a lightweight interpreted language that would complement Java ‘ +
‘by appealing to nonprofessional programmers, like Microsoft’s VB.[9] (see JavaScript and Java)’;


Use sparingly and in general where required by the syntax and semantics.
Never use parentheses for:
  • Unary operators (e.g. delete, typeof, and void)
  • After keywords such as return, throw
  • For case, in, or new, and others keywords like them.


Use braces with all multi-line blocks. May only omit braces if the entire block can be written in one line and improves readability.

// Wrong
if (true)
blah();function () { return false; }// Correct
if (true) return;if (true) {
}if (true) {
function () {
return false;


Always put semicolons as statement terminators.
The following code examples show the dangers of missing semicolons:

// Example 1: JavaScript Error
MyClass.prototype.myMethod = function() {
return 42;
} // <-- Missing semicolon(function() {
// Some initialization code wrapped in a function to create a scope for locals.

Since there is semicolon to end the first statement, the first function returns 42 and the script interprets 42 as a function. When the script tries to call 42 as a function with the second function as a parameter, an error occurs.

// Example 2: Trying to do one thing on Internet Explorer and another on Firefox.
var x = {
'i': 1,
'j': 2
} // <-- Missing semicolon[normalVersion, ffVersion][isIE]();

A ‘no such property in undefined’ error appears during runtime when the script tries to call x[ffVersion][isIE]().

// Example 3: Conditional execution a la bash
var THINGS_TO_EAT = [apples, oysters, sprayOnCheese] // <-- Missing semicolon-1 == resultOfOperation() || die();

The script calls die unless resultOfOperation)_ is NaN and assigns THING_TO_EAT the result of die().


JavaScript requires statements to end with a semicolon, except when it thinks it can safely infer their existence.
In each of the examples above, a function declaration, or an object, or an array literal is used inside a statement.
The closing brackets are not enough to indicate the end of the statement. JavaScript never ends a statement if the next token is an infix or bracket operator.


Use single quotes instead of double quotes for consistency.
This is helpful when creating strings that include HTML:
var msg = ‘Hello World!

4. Additional naming convention standards

General naming conventions

  • Avoid underscores and numbers in names.
  • Variables or methods should have names that accurately describe their purpose or behavior.
  • Object methods or variables that are declared private or protected should start with an underscore(_)

Functions and methods

  • Class method names should start with an English verb in its infinitive form that describes the method.
  • Names for accessors for instance or static variables should always have the get or set prefix.
  • In design pattern classes, implementation method names should contain the pattern name where practical to provide better behavior description.
  • Methods that return status flags or Boolean values should have the has or is prefix

Variables and properties

  • Do not use short variable names such as i or n except in small loop contexts
  • If a loop contains more than 20 lines of code, the index variables should have more descriptive names.

5. Additional coding construct standards

Binary and ternary operators

Always put the operator on the preceding line to avoid implicit semi-colon insertion issues.

Custom toString() method

This method must always succeed without side effects.

Function declarations within blocks

Use a variable initialized with a function expression to define a function within a block.

// Wrong
if (x) {
function foo() {}
}// Correct
if (x) {

Exceptions and custom exceptions

You cannot avoid exceptions if you are doing something non-trivial (using an application development framework, and so on).
Without custom exceptions, returning error information from a function that also returns a value can be tricky, not to mention inelegant. Bad solutions include passing in a reference type to hold error information or always returning Objects with a potential error member.
These basically amount to a primitive exception handling hack. Feel free to use custom exceptions when appropriate.

Standard features

For maximum portability and compatibility, use standard features whenever possible.
For example, string.charAt(3) instead of string[3], and element access with DOM functions instead of using an application-specific shorthand.

Method definitions

There are several ways to attach methods and properties to a constructor, but the preferred style is:

Foo.prototype.bar = function() {
// ...

Do not use:

Foo.prototype = {
bar: function() {
// ...
circle: function() {
// ...

Assignment operations to constructor prototypes creating temporal coupling and sometimes other unwanted side effects.


A closure keeps a pointer to its enclosing scope, so attaching a closure to a DOM element can create a circular reference and thus, a memory leak.

// Wrong
function foo(element, a, b) {
element.onclick = function() {
// uses a and b

The function closure keeps references to elements “a” and “b” even if it never uses them.
Because elements also keep references to the closure, it is a cycle that will not be cleaned up by garbage collection. In these situations, the code can be structured as follows:

// Correct
function foo(element, a, b) {
element.onclick = bar(a, b);
}function bar(a, b) {
return function() {
// uses a and b

6. Additional general standards

Array and object initializers

Single-line array and object initializers are allowed when they fit on a line as follows:
var arr = [1, 2, 3]; // No space after [ or before ].
var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}; // No space after { or before }.
Long identifiers or values present problems for aligned initialization lists, so always prefer non-aligned initialization.
For example:

Object.prototype = {
a: 0,
b: 1,
lengthyName: 2

Associative arrays

Use Object instead of Array for associative arrays.

Deferred initialization

Use deferred initialization when it is not possible to initialize variables at the point of declaration.

Explicit scope

Use an explicit scope to increase code portability and clarity.

Built-in objects

Modifying built-in like Object.prototype and Array.prototype is strictly forbidden.
Modifying other built-ins like Function.prototype is less dangerous but leads to debugging issues in production.

Variable declarations

Declare a variable with var wherever possible to avoid overwriting existing global values.
Using only one var per scope promotes readability.

var foo = 'bar',
num = 1,
arr = [1, 2, 3];

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