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Magento Customization : Adding Custom SSL Certificate

All Magento Go stores initially have a shared SSL certificate that ensures a PCI compliant, secure checkout process. Merchants who accept credit cards are required by the Payment Card Industry (PCI) to process transactions over a securely encrypted channel. The shared security certificate is an easy and affordable way to provide a secure checkout experience for your customers from the domain. An SSL certificate verifies that all transactions take place over the encoded, assured receptacle level. The unconcerned conference is established when the customer begins the checkout procedure, or whenever other delicate data is stock certificate.
If you have a custom domain, your customers will be redirected to the shared and secure environment during check-out procedure, unless you also buy a custom-made SSL certificate.  During the assured dealings, a padlock symbol come out in the code bar of your web browser, and the URL affix modifications. The custom SSL certificate makes it possible for your customers to seamlessly complete the checkout process without leaving your computer address as“dot com”. Assured Your internet Store with its Personal SSL Certificate. If your Magento Go store is on a remunerative idea, or transfer a present certificate to your store or you can either buy a custom SSL certificate. Options include: Purchase as also Transfer an Existing SSL Certificate from Magento.
Set up an Email Addresses for Your Domain
Integrating your custom domain (your own .com address) with your Magento Go store is not difficult to do. What is more, having a custom domain allows you to create and manage your own custom e-mail addresses. You could make over e-mail codes such as: – sales, – orders, – administrator. While you always have the option to use your address, many merchants choose to use their own domain. Don’t worry though, because there are other services on the web that do an amazing job at e-mail hosting. The Magento Go, while being a remarkable and very capable e-commerce platform, is not an e-mail hosting service.
To setup e-mail addresses, you first need an e-mail hosting provider. Some of your options include: Your domain registrar; Google Apps;  Third-party e-mail hosting. We identify Google Apps separately because it really the elephant in the room – it is one of the fastest growing and most popular e-mail service providers on the Web. Realistically, they all do the same thing, pull off your e-mail,which is furnishing a server to host. Other e-mail service providers include,- Rackspace Email hosting ; – DNAMail; – GoDaddy Email Plans; etc.
Add your domain, Log in to My Account. If you have multiple stores, be sure this is for the correct one. Go to My Store panel under Products and Services. Click add next to Custom URL. This page allows you to configure your Magento Go stores. Next, enter the domain name that will be directed to your Magento Go store and click OK. You must point your domain name. Erstwhile this is determined, it will issue betwixt 24-48 hours for your new domain name to be fully integrated into your store. You must Add URL in your Account settings of your Magento Go stores.
Magento Go allows you to launch a store very quickly – without even having to register a domain. You can utilize their activity and certification to create new e-mail computer address for your online store.  Once you have your e-mail address setup with an e-mail grownup work. Your store can be accessed. If you opt, you can also utilize your own, “dot com” computer code. A Custom Domain, which can informs you that how to set up a custom domain for your online store. If you already have a registered domain name that you would like to use as your Magento Go store’s default address, the process involves two major steps. Archiving orders on a regular basis keeps your workspace free of unneeded data, so your focal point should be on current orders.
Purchase an SSL Certificate as also Adding a Custom SSL Certificate from Magento. We offer a variety of custom SSL certificates from industry leaders, which you can purchase from the convenience of your account dashboard. A custom SSL Certificate from Magento gives your customers with a seamless checkout experience from the security of your own “dot com” computer code. Guaranteed Online Store with its Personal SSL Certificate. Click Confirm DNS Change to certify that the “A Record” has been changed. Log in to your Magento account. Click Purchase SSL. Then, follow the prompts to purchase the SSL certificate. Your account panel, subordinate My Products and Services, quality Magento Go. You can change orders and their connected documents to the deposit, or regenerate them to their former state.
When your SSL certificate is approved and finishes processing. When complete, your account dashboard displays the status of your Custom SSL. Your Domain Name System manager and registrar.  Invoices, shipments, and credit-memos are archived separately from orders, and can be accessed any time. Mouse click Confirm Domain Name System  Modification to demonstrate that “A Record” has been transform. After confirming the Domain Name System modification, your account control panel demonstrates the status and termination date of your Custom-made SSL certificate. The next step is to change the “A Record” of your custom URL to point to the new IP address.