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Magento Customization : Mobile Theme for Magento Shopping Cart

Improvement listing for Magento Mobile Theme. Also some items are applicable to desktop site. This list is written for our Magento Mobile Theme. If you have not already work on the improvement of your website. We promise you can work on the improvement of your website more smartly. Google has organized website speed in search higher-ranking. As we all know that good SEO can bring Fast speed for your website.
Prior to start, set up Google Page Speed for Firefox Browser. Magnification of Javascript. Modify your Magento mobile website with the help of reduction. Optimization of Image. Minimize the HTML. Advance improvement steps For Database, Server and Magento Control Panel.

Magnification of Javascript.

The JS Merge feature reduces HTTP requests by grouping all scripts placed to one link, but it does not reduced the file size for each script. Firstly, some Magento users mistaken the JS Merge feature as the JS Magnifier. Magento does not magnified any of the Java-scripts distributed with Magento package – they are not the same.
CSS Compressor:
The mobile theme comes with two sort of sheets, first is the chief CSS file and second for CSS3 activity, in which most of the elements are with seller prefixes. Other open source scripts such as Prototype, Calendar, may get updated too. As for the main style sheet, it has already been closed, an UN-compressed interpretation has been ready-made accessible for you. And you should required to edit the principal style sheet. Seller prefixes will break the compression therefor you should never compress the “css3_support” file. After an upgrade, you may want to go over those scripts making sure none of the magnified versions are out-dated.
Extension such as Foo-man Speedster is great for CSS and JS Magnification, however if you can’t get the extension works for your server and if it interrupts your website, try to create the compaction non-automatic as an alternative. A new edition merchandises, these scripts may get modified also, so you will just have to re-do the Expansion. Magento package can get some six points score from Google Page Speed significantly increase the page load. However there is more you can do. Already we have taken care of the Magnification for the scripts which are apportioned with our Magento Mobile themes.

Modify your Magento mobile website with the help of reduction.

First and foremost, the mobile theme is assembled with an assumption that you want all catalog browsing and the promotional characteristics like Layered Navigation, Compare, Mini-poll,Add Wish-list, Related Products, Up-sell, Recently View, Review, Cross-sell, etc. most attractive homepage with the help of New Products, Bestselling modules, Categorize listing. We have worked very hard on the optimization for the theme. For a mobile website, every byte counts, but there are more you can do and you should do. Speed will always be the greatest involvement, therefor we encourage you must give importance over the options cautiously whether an attribute should be kept for mobile adaptation of your website. These are all good attributes to have, but for a mobile e-commerce site, your consumer may not have the same browsing activity as they do with your top side version of website.
Characteristics like Cross-sell, Up-sell, Related Products, Mini-poll, New Products as well as Bestselling components can be well disabled. It is quite easy, if you do not added any Cross-sell unit,then the block will not be actuated.

Optimization of Image.

In both Static Blocks and CMS pages, always declare height and width for an in line picture. Do not create the ratios large, if an image is to be 300 pixel x 200 pixel. If you want to serve different images for your Mobile store. Following are the recommend dimensions: Thumbnail Small Image: 120px x 120px ; For Product Gallery the Base Image: 250px x 250px. For product images, the “widths” and “heights” are declared in the template files.
Think carefully before you enable a standard Magento feature or third party extension that may slow down the page load. More options isn’t always a good option. Optimized your image before transferring it to the host, or utilize an online tool. For Mac user, we find the Optimization of Image a wonderful tool for our daily workflow; PC user can find something similar with a quick Google search. Let the Magento built-in re-size script takes care of it if the product images are to be joint with Desktop mercantile establishment. In our desktop Magento themes we separate the height dimension, because height dimension is announced, although the re-size script takes care of the magnitude, it may not bring forth a desirable outcome for image quality. Hence, you may want to make sure all your product images are of the same dimensions for width and height.

Advance improvement steps For Database, Server and Magento Control Panel.

Magento Control Panel. Enable all caches once you site ready to go live. If the theme you use has layout update for product listing, disabled Layouts. Each time you perform an upgrade or work on the template files, they need to be disabled. A caution: if it breaks your site or one of the function stops working, disable it. Related to Memory cache Administration, all time you execute an upgrade, it required to be altered.
Approach of Mobile Theme for Magento shopping cart. Do we build a mobile theme for Magento that works like a real website with mobile user taken into consideration, and that it works for all innovative touch screen smart-phones? Create a Magento mobile theme that works only for iPhone or iPod which acts like an App.

One theme, all advanced touchscreen mobile platforms. It is not a mobile theme for Andriod phones or a mobile theme for iPhone. It is a mobile theme that works with full support for Javascript that works for other advanced touchscreen smart phones.
A Mobile version of site in addition to a desktop version. It wasn’t hard for us to make the right decision and get the right answer! Real Simple Mobile theme is a complete Magento theme, which means you can (and should) setup up the theme as a 2nd store, permitting your consumers to select between the desktop and the mobile version of your websites. The mobile theme are available with an wide-open informant mobile catching code which will send the user of mobile instrumentation to the mobile version of your website, and the users can select to coming together to the desktop version if they prefer or they may select the mobile store website; this approach also offers extra flexibility because it allows you to give your mobile store thing assorted. A category or promotional offering just for the mobile user.

Highlighting of Real Simple Mobile Theme:

Touch screen modified : Link relies on hover state or No Javascript event.
Mobile Optimization: the theme has scored between 90-95 on Google Page Speed. We have done some optimization on our host, but almost of the listing must go to the improvement in the mobile theme.
Built with mobile device, mobile user in mind
New Products Module
CSS3 powered
Think that a good quality page with high speed assists your website’s Search Engine Optimization too! Search Engine Optimized Optimizations are done in the template and we will show you how to improve it further.
Bestseller module
Categories listing on Home page
Piano accordion menu for classes of menu and other domains
Improved product gallery

Modular attributes of Magento which are not enclosed in Mobile Theme

Continual Profiles as well as down-loadable trade good. If you utilize any of these trade good types, then enable it by all means. We separate the navigational links of these trade good types in the Consumer Log-in domain.
Send to Friend
Tags attributes – Sidebar unit which are Popular tags as also the option of Add To Tags.
Report of Mini cart
You can enabled easily the option of Contact Us signifier and replace it with mail-to link. Isn’t as user-friendly as creating an email in a Email client from a mobile expressive style. Due to the behavior of no scrolling text area, typing message to a web form.
Shipping to Multiple Addresses
Report of Mini Wish-list

Is this theme for iPad too? Does the theme work for touchscreen tablets and slate PC such as Samsung Galaxy Tab?

Since the mobile theme is recommended to setup as a second store. Similar to the iPad, users from these devices will have an option to switch to mobile version of site. This makes the device a better choice for desktop version. These devices have a 1024px resolutions for point of view. The iPad user will have a choice to switch to Mobile version of site. It can be configured from the mobile detection script. If you prefer to have any of these devices loads the Mobile version. If you purchase both themes you will be able to provide your users a thematic consistency site regardless of which device is used. The Real Simple Desktop theme is optimized for PC touch screen devices or iPad.
The layout of the Mobile theme disallowed user scale this has caused table layout in above mentioned pages cut off when the width of the layout exceeds the device width in Portrait view. Mobile theme is a default for the Default Magento themes , Modern Magento themes and Blank Magento themes. There is no workable solution as long as table layout is used.