Table Of Content
1. How to Bulk Import and Update Products on Shopify using CSV
2. Access your Shopify account
3. Select “Import”
4. Choose the file
5. Map your fields
6. Prepare your product data
7. Review and Import
8. Check your products
How to Bulk Import and Update Products on Shopify using CSV
If you are importing a CSV file, be sure to follow Shopify’s CSV structure requirements so that the file is exported correctly.
Here are some things you need to know. To bulk import and upload products on Shopify, you can follow these steps, as well as instructions on how to fill them in.
Access your Shopify account
Log in to your Shopify account and click on the “Products” tab located on the left-hand side of your screen.
Select “Import”
On the top right corner of the Products page, you will find a button labeled “Import.” Click on it to start the import process.
Choose the file
Select the file that contains your product data and upload it to Shopify. You can also choose to upload the file from your computer, Dropbox, or Google Drive.
Map your fields
Shopify will automatically detect the columns in your spreadsheet and attempt to map them to the corresponding product fields in Shopify. Check to make sure that all the columns are correctly mapped to the right fields.
Prepare your product data
You can use spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to prepare your product data in CSV, XLS, or XLSX format. Your spreadsheet should contain columns for each product attribute such as title, description, price, SKU, images, variants, etc.
Review and Import
After you have verified that all the data is correctly mapped, you can review the data preview to ensure that everything looks good. Once you’re ready, click on the “Import” button to import your products.
Check your products
After the import process is complete, check your products to make sure that all the data has been imported correctly. If you find any errors or issues, you can edit them individually or repeat the import process.
With these steps, you can easily bulk import and upload products to your Shopify store, saving you time and effort.