Simple Product In Magento
Simple product is a product to which we can sell individually, or in association with Configurable, Group or Bundle product.Process to create Simple Product:
- Catalog->Manage Product->Add Product
- Select Attribute Set
- Select product type
- Fill Product Information of General field
- Name: Name of your product, that will be display at front-end.
- SKU: SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) is the unique identifier for the product.
- Weight: Enter weight of product, It will consider during checkout.
- Status: Set Enabled to display product otherwise it will not display.
- Tax Class: Select tax class for your product from drop-down, you can select Default, Taxable Goods or None.
- Visibility: Determines visibility for your product, it want to display with catalog or search.
- Fill the information of Price field
- Price: It is the price of the product, it will display at front-end.
- Group price: It is the price that offer to specific customer group, it will display at front-end as a Special price.
- Cost: It is actual cost of the product,it not displayed to the customer,it used to generate income.
- Tier Price: It used to offer quantity discount.
- Special price: Special price can offer on some special occasion. By setting from date and to date you can offer special price.
- Apply MAP: Minimum Advertise price it used to hide price from customer. It doesn’t display price at catalog.
- Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price : The retail price as suggested by the manufacturer.
- Browse and upload product image
- Description of product
Add description to your product. It will display at front-end. It is mandatory field
- Set Inventory information
- Manage Stock: Select yes to manage stock
- Qty: Enter quantity of your product
- Qty for item’s status to become Out of stock: Set value to show the your stock become out of stock
- Minimum quantity allowed in shopping cart: Set minimum value limit that you allow at your shopping cart
- Backorder: If you set Allow Backorder, it allow to place order when product is out of stock
- Notify for quantity below: When ordered quantity not available in stock, it accept order and send notification to customer
- Enable quantity increment: If it is set to Yes it will sell your product in increments of entered value
- Stock Availability: Set In Stock to show availability of product at front-end, otherwise it will not display
- Select Website to show created product
- Select Categories
Assign product to category
- Add Related Product, Up sells, Cross sells
You can expand this field. If you want to add product.
- Create Custom Option
Using Custom option you can add various options to your product. For example, color, sizes,etc.
- Save ProductProduct will display at front-end.Simple Product at front-end