Easy way to add Country and State/Province in Magento!
Easy way to add Country and State/Province in Magento - As Magento's popularity increased,the need for personalized and friendly shop with Magento also increased. - Magento architecture, continuous use and the analysis is to reveal his deceptions. - To [...]
Importing multiple images for each product in Magento
Importing multiple images for each product in Magento Magento doesn't have any extension yet available to import the multiple images of each product . We gone through a conceptual scope and with a careful analysis of the core Magento [...]
Importing Category and Sub Category Name Wise CSV with Images, Meta Tags Description etc
Importing Category and Sub Category Name Wise CSV with Images, Meta Tags Description etc : While importing the file with category description, image, meta tag description etc in Magento we face the challenge of Importing [...]
Mutliple Flat rate shipping option in Google Checkout Payment Module!
Multiple shipping option in Google checkout payment module for Magento
Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in ……
Deprecated: Function eregi() is Deprecated in Description:Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in C:\wamp\www\catalog\includes\classes\language.php on line 87 Reason: Generally ereg is deprecated in PHP 5.3 Version. Possible Solution: 1] You may use the preg_match() function istead [...]