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Easy way to add Country and State/Province in Magento!

Blogs, Magento|

Easy way to add Country and State/Province in Magento - As Magento's popularity increased,the need for personalized and friendly shop with Magento also increased. - Magento architecture, continuous use and the analysis is to reveal his deceptions. - To [...]

Importing Category and Sub Category Name Wise CSV with Images, Meta Tags Description etc

Magento, Oscp-Blog|

Importing Category and Sub Category Name Wise CSV with Images, Meta Tags Description etc : While importing the file with category description, image, meta tag description etc in Magento we face the challenge of Importing [...]

Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in ……


Deprecated: Function eregi() is Deprecated in Description:Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in C:\wamp\www\catalog\includes\classes\language.php on line 87 Reason: Generally ereg is deprecated in PHP 5.3 Version. Possible Solution: 1] You may use the preg_match() function istead [...]


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