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Greyhound Bus Accident Settlements: What to Expect

Greyhound buses provide a quick and easy way to commute within your city daily. Unfortunately, these buses, like other vehicles on the road, are not immune to accidents. If you are ever involved in a Greyhound bus accident, you can sue and get compensation for the emotional and physical stress you experience after the accident. You will find out all you need to know in this piece.

Greyhound Bus Accident Settlement Facts

When you get into an accident, one of the first things that will come to your mind after treatment is a lawsuit. To make this happen, you need to contact a Greyhound Bus Accident Lawyer to help determine if your case has merit and navigate the lawsuit with you. Apart from employing a lawyer, many other factors will influence the settlement amount. Let’s consider some of them.

Injury Severity

This is one of the primary factors influencing the total amount you get as compensation after a greyhound accident. The more severe the injury, the more money you’ll be entitled to during the lawsuit. For example, a traumatic brain injury or a spinal cord injury is more likely to attract higher settlement than a sprained arm.

Medical Expenses

The amount charged on medical expenses is another critical factor influencing your overall settlement offer. How much did it cost to treat the injury? The court will consider every penny you spend immediately after the accident and during follow-up appointments. Again, the more you spend on these things, the easier it would be to argue for higher compensation.


Whether or not you will even be considered for compensation depends on liability. After reviewing the case, your lawyer will determine if the bus driver was at fault or if you caused the accident because you were distracted. If the bus is at fault, you will get more in compensation.

Lost Wages

After an accident, you may not be able to do business or work for a while. The wages you lose will be considered before compensation is awarded. They will also consider how time accidents affect your earning capacity. The courts will also consider the pain and suffering you endured during the period.

What to Expect from a Greyhound Bus Accident Settlement

As you can see above, the compensation amount varies significantly depending on multiple factors. However, the average amount for these particular types of accidents ranges from $25,000 to $300,000. However, when the accident leads to catastrophic outcomes like wrongful death or life-changing injuries that will affect your ability to earn forever, you may get more than $1 million. When you employ a good lawyer, you will get the best possible compensation for your case.


Remember to document everything you can from the incident and present it to your lawyer. Every piece of evidence matters regarding compensation, so don’t leave anything out. Also, file the lawsuit as early as possible to make the best claim. You should do it within the first few months after the accident, as you may not be eligible for a case after two years.

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