Home » osCommerce » Important TIPs for osCommerce store owners

Important TIPs for OsCommerce Store Owners

  • Always keep a backup of data base and code and store it in a safe place
  • Avoid uploading unwanted files on base folder or elsewhere as it makes easier for a hacker to place his file along with these unwanted file
  • Ensure that admin folder is .htaccess protected
  • Do not keep file manager code in osCommerce admin.Some admin use it to edit file but is not recommended
  • Ensure all that is provided by hosting company and also make sure about the cost associated in case of site code crashing or being lost
  • Never save FTP details in soft copy
  • Use strong admin and ftp passwords
  • Never send the details of logins over internet to your osCommerce developer in one email.If that email is leaked, your site might get hacked
  • Accept and store cc details on your site only after detail analysis
  • Make sure oscsid is not carried by Google or other spiders.This can be achieved by setting kill spider session to true and updating robots.txt
  • You can improve your search engine ranking by making the use osCommerce search engine module(seo friendly, seo ultimate or seo-g ) seo urls
  • By making use of  Google analytics or super trekker you can get an idea visitors to your site and what is going on your site
  • Make use of Google feed and Google site xml
  • Include keywords in content or in image name


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“Hello,I had been working on osCommerce for more than 7 years and handled more than 1000 osCommerce sites.the tips i have mentioned above are simple but very important for an osCommerce store owner to keep his osCommerce site safe and successful “.