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Full Page Cache: Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Container_CatalogProductItem

Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Container_CatalogProductItem class in Magento? (Magento EE

Object:$this => Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Container_CatalogProductItem

Following constants is used in above class :


Following variables is used in above class:

  • $_parentBlock
  • $_itemId
  • $_itemPosition
  • $_infoCacheId
  • $_sharedInfoData

Some important functions and its purpose in this class:

  • _getInfoCacheId(): This function returns cache identifier for informational data related to product lists.
  • _saveInfoCache(): This function is used to saves informational cache, containing parameters used to show lists.
  • _getItemId(): This function is used to get next item id.
  • applyInApp(): Generate and apply container content in controller after application is initialized
  • applyWithoutApp(): This function is used for check if could be applied without application
  • _getCacheId(): This function is used for to get cache id.

Functions used in class Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Container_CatalogProductItem

  • /**Get parent block type
    * @return null|string **/
    protected function _getListBlockType()
    $blockName = $this->_placeholder->getName();
    if ($blockName == self::BLOCK_NAME_RELATED) {
    return ‘enterprise_targetrule/catalog_product_list_related’;
    } elseif ($blockName == self::BLOCK_NAME_UPSELL) {
    return ‘enterprise_targetrule/catalog_product_list_upsell’;
    return null;
  • /**Returns cache identifier for informational data about product lists
    * @return string **/
    protected function _getInfoCacheId()
    if (is_null($this->_infoCacheId)) {
    $this->_infoCacheId = ‘CATALOG_PRODUCT_LIST_SHARED_’
    . md5($this->_placeholder->getName()
    . $this->_getCookieValue(Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Cookie::COOKIE_CART, ”)
    . $this->_getProductId());
    return $this->_infoCacheId;
  • /**Saves informational cache, containing parameters used to show lists.
    * @return Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Container_CatalogProductItem **/
    protected function _saveInfoCache()
  • /**Get shared info param
    * @param string|null $key
    * @return mixed **/
    protected function _getSharedParam($key = null)
  • /**Set shared info param
    * @param string $key
    * @param mixed $value
    * @return Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Container_CatalogProductItem **/
    protected function _setSharedParam($key, $value)
    $placeholderName = $this->_placeholder->getName();
    if (is_null(self::$_sharedInfoData[$placeholderName][‘info’])) {
    self::$_sharedInfoData[$placeholderName][‘info’][$key] = $value;
    return $this;
  • /** Get parent (container) block
    * @return false|Enterprise_TargetRule_Block_Catalog_Product_List_Abstract
    protected function _getParentBlock()
    if (is_null($this->_parentBlock)) {
    $blockType = $this->_getListBlockType();
    $this->_parentBlock = $blockType ? Mage::app()->getLayout()->createBlock($blockType) : false;
    return $this->_parentBlock;
  • /**Get next item id
    * @return int|null **/
    protected function _getItemId()
  • /**Pop current item id
    * @return int **/
    protected function _popItem()
  • /**Generate and apply container content in controller after application is initialized
    * @param string $content
    * @return bool*/
    public function applyInApp(&$content)
    $result = parent::applyInApp($content);
    return $result;
  • /**Check if could be applied without application
    * @param string $content
    * @return bool*/
    public function applyWithoutApp(&$content){}
  • /**Render element that was not cached
    * @return false|string **/
    protected function _renderBlock()
  • /** Retrieve cache id
    * @return string*/
    protected function _getCacheId()
    return parent::_getCacheId() . $this->_getProductId();

Sample data for Product Page
URL : https://localhost/oscp-store/mage-ent-test/furniture/living-room/ottoman.html
Note: Ottoman have assign only one related product and don’t have any upsell product.

  • $_parentBlock = /** Parent (container) block **/
  • $_itemId = /** Current item id **/
  • $_itemPosition = /** Container position in list **/
  • $_infoCacheId = /** $_itemPosition **/
  • $_sharedInfoData = /**Data shared between all instances of current container**/
    = Array [2] 0 = CATALOG_PRODUCT_ITEM_RELATED = Array [3] first = true
    info = Array [1] cursor = 1
    1 = CATALOG_PRODUCT_ITEM_UPSELL = Array [3] first = true
    info = Array [0] cursor = 1

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