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Magento Customization : Multiple Discounts in Magento

Magento cart is a feature rich cart in e-commerce. But, by default Magento does not provide some features like “Multiple Discounts”. Magento cart supports to add such features in it with the help of Magento Customization.Multiple discount is a feature which empowers the administrator of a site to offer number of discount to his users. The admin can get the facility to provide discounts to certain selected users/customers.
The admin with the help of Magento developers can create some functions. These functions enables the admin to offer different discounts to his selected customers. Admin can create a category of selected users who are his regular customers, and then he chose the amount/percent of discount for them. Now, the question will definitely arise in your mind that what is the aim behind all this? And, the answer will be Profit and only Profit.
Multiple discount on Product/Catalog Listing:
In this the admin can create some function, which will be applied to the price of that particular product, which is selected by the admin for discount. In it he will add information about that function, then he will add condition for it, and finally the actions for application of that discount function.
Criteria of Discount on Product/Catalog Listing:
The admin can chose the criteria of catalog listing. In catalog there are many things related to Products such as Brand, Color, Size, Types etc. And, add conditions like on purchase of such & such brand certain percent of discount, for such & such customer. In Product/Catalog Listing discount the registered user can see the original prize of product and also the prize after deducting the discount amount. This function facilitate both the user as well as the site owner.
Multiple discount on Shopping Cart:
In this the admin can create some function of discount, which will be applied to the total amount of shopping cart. In it he will add information about that function, then he will add condition for it. Also admin can add default Labels. Finally, the actions for application of that discount function.
Criteria of Discount on Shopping Cart:
The admin select criteria for discount on shopping cart also. Like coupon cards, gift cards, discount on subtotal amount of shopping cart. And, add conditions like on purchase of such & such amount the customer may get such percent discounts. In shopping cart discount the user may get discount on the subtotal amount. The user can also see the total amount and the amount after deducting the discount amount. Hence,the controlling power is in the hands of administrator.
You can add this feature in your online store website based on Magento cart. Now take a look on this functionality in which the admin used the add on feature of multiple discount. https://www.oscprofessionals.com/oscommerce/demo/magento_fetures/index.php

Name   Customer   User Name   Password
Test One   Special Customer   ensys_2005@yahoo.com   test1pass
Test two   Wholesale Customer   ensys_2007@yahoo.com   test2pass
Test retail   Retail Customer   oscprofessionals@gmail.com   test3pass

Just like this you can also add certain types of customers as shown above, the three types of customer Special Customer, Wholesale Customer, and Retail Customer. Also, give them certain name as well as user name and password. So that, whenever they visit to your site and do shopping from your site, then they can utilize it.
Like the following, you can distribute the percentage of discount to your customers as per their types.
5% discount on all categories of product price to the Wholesale Customers.
20% discount on Cellphones Category of product price to Special Customers.
25% discount on Electronics or Computers categories (for Laptops & Monitors) to Special and Wholesale Customers.
5% discount on total amount, above $2000/- ,
purchase of all products, to the Retail Customers.
Whenever the customers visit to your site and shop from it then they can utilize it. In it the admin had created type of customers/users, who regularly shop from his online site. He give them log-in name and user password, so that he can recognize them by their user ID. And, then he assign the amount of discount for that particular user. Admin can also assign discount to guest visitors.
With the help of Multiple discounts admin can offer discount on number of product categories to number of customers. Also offer two types of discounts to one customer. The registered user can see the amount of product after deducting the discount. This facility is also available in this add on functionality of multiple discount. So, he can see the exact price of the product after deduction of discount. And he can add it to his cart. The shopping cart will show the price of product after deducting the discount. This will be easier for him to make payment for it.
By this way, you can add this special multiple discount feature in your Magento based business website. With, this you are able to give discount in multiple ways. Such as two different types of customers can get different discount. And, one type of customer can enjoy two different discount categories. Thus, with the help of Magento Developers, you can add this Multiple Discount feature on your Magento based website. And, be one step ahead from your competitors. As it is essential for every business entrepreneur to be friendly with advance technologies, for achieving the highest position in e-commerce market.