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How You Can Reduce Catalog Url Rewrite Indexing Time?

How to reduce indexing time?For Catalog URL Rewrites
Que. How to reduce re-index processing time for Catalog URL Rewrites ?
Issue: catalog_url index take a more time when running indexing process.
We have analyzed and found there is need to check our database table core_url_rewrite related to url_rewrite data.
Following screen shots will clarify above statement.
Need to take some steps:

  • We need to remove unwanted entries of core_url_rewrite table.
  • Or we can disable/Off entry generation. Change configuration for generating Permanent Redirect urls, the Permanent Redirect urls are generated behalf of id_path.

Go to Magento Admin:
Open: System → Configuration → Catalog → Search Engine Optimizations →
Create Permanent Redirect for URLs if URL Key Changed – OFF
Check following screen shots.