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Manage Store Languages in PrestaShop 1.5.X

05 min read | Jan 14, 2020
In today’s scenario, multilingual website is an simple & effective way to create a durable impact on customer’s surfing through the internet. A multilingual website creates a platform to promote and sell a product and a customer is three times more likely to carry out transaction when the communication is in the native language.PrestaShop support multilingual store. You can easily add more than one languages to your store. There is default language (the one you used to install it) and many more are available for download.
Following step will explain you how to install and manage languages in Prestashop store.
Log in as an administrator or employer with granted permission to back office.
Go to Localization -> Languages
The page will displays languages already installed on your shop, along with some information like ISO code, language code, date format etc.
You can enable or disable a language by clicking on the icon in the Enabled column.

Creating New Language

Creating a new language means you will have to translate all of the text for PrestaShop’s front-end, back-end, modules, etc.To do that you have to download the required language pack file from the PrestaShop official website. Once you have downloaded the file,
Go to Localization -> Translations.
Now, simply browse to the language pack file and press the Import button. The language pack will be installed in few seconds.
Now you have to add new language manually, using the the Add new button from top left corner form Localization -> Languages.
Add language screen look like
  • Name: Name of language and it is public.
  • ISO Code: Enter the adequate 2-letter ISO 639-1 code.
    If you are importing a language pack, this code should exactly match the one for the pack.
  • Language Code: Enter the adequate 4-letter language code, in the form xx-yy, xx being the language ISO code (same as above), and yy the country ISO code, using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
  • Date Format: Countries do not always share the same date representation.
  • Date Format (full): Same as the date format above, but including the hour-minute format
  • Flag: Upload an image of the flag which best matches the language you want to add. It should be 16X11 pixels.
  • No-picture Image: Upload an image which will be displayed when a product does not yet have a picture. That image is simply a blank image, with No image in this language. The picture should be 250 X 250 pixels.
  • Is RTL language: Some languages are written from right to left, like Arabic script or the Hebrew alphabet. PrestaShop able to handle RTL languages – provided it is clearly set as such.
  • Status: You may disable a new language until you are ready to translate everything.

Fill the above information and make sure that Status is set to enable. Otherwise the language will be unavailable on front-end.

Click Save button to Save the changes.
Next go to Localization -> Translations and choose language you are adding from Localization ->Language and click on Add or update a language button.
Now your new language has been added.
Finally, go to your shop’s front-office and click on the flags at the top.

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