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Improve Shopify Performance With Image Compression

Bhavesha | Dec 22, 2021 | 5 min


Following are some tips for optimizing images by compressing them:

  • The importance of compressing images for your website’s speed.
  • We explain how to compress images and how to use image compression tools.

This content is based on our experience implementing over 50+ speed optimization projects on Shopify websites.

What is Image Compression?

Image compression reduces the image’s weight this process Improves the speed of a web page. It also reduces the size of images without sacrificing quality if the image is high quality. the image file format will also be determined by the type of compression method used.

Before:- size 36KB .jpg


After- size 28KB .jpg

There are two types of image compression: Lossless and Lossy

Compress Images through tools

It’s just a list of the most popular online image compression sites it will helpful for compressing images.

How To Compress Images On Shopify

  • To be done manually through tools 
  • Using Shopify APPs

Images Compression methods will also determine the format of an image file.

There are different encoding ways in which image files can be created-

  • 1. PNG: This image format will result in higher size image files and are useful for transparent images and in some specific situations. This is not recommended image format for Shopify product images and banners.
  • 2. JPG: This is most frequently used and is comparatively smaller in size than PNG.
  • 3. WebP: Shopify internally converts images and delivers them in WebP if coding is done properly. WebP is the encoding technique that needs almost 40 percent less file size to display a similar image compared to JPG.


Image compression is the process of reducing the file size of an image without losing significant quality. This can be useful for reducing the amount of storage space an image takes up, reducing the time it takes to download or upload an image, and reducing the bandwidth required for image transmission.

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